Social Event

The social event will take place at the Brasserie Madeleine on Wednesday March 13th.

Clermont-Ferrand City Centre
Conference dinner
  • Restaurant: Brasserie Madeleine
  • Address: 3 Place de la Victoire
  • 63000, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Date and time: 13th March, 2024 at 19:30
Please let us know your menu preference by Wednesday March 6th, on If you do not indicate your preferred menu, a default one (namely "3. Falafel"+"3. Vegetables"+"3. Pineapple" if you have indicated vegan/vegetarian at registration time, or "2. Salmon"+"1. Duck"+"2. Chocolate cake" otherwise).
Entrée (starter)
  1. Foie gras
  2. Gravlax de saumon (salmon gravlax)
  3. Salade, falafel, houmous
Plat principal (main course)
  1. Cuisse de canard (duck leg)
  2. Pavé de saumon (salmon steak)
  3. Assiette de légumes et galette de pomme-de-terre (vegetables and potato pancake)
  1. Tiramisu avec amaretto, mascarpone et chocolat amer (with amaretto, mascarpone and bitter chocolate)
  2. Moelleux au chocolat, crème anglaise et coulis de caramel (chocolate cake, custard and caramel coulis)
  3. Carpaccio d’ananas (pineapple carpaccio)