Extended Stay Support Scheme

We propose to the STACS 2024 attendees an Extended Stay Support Scheme (ESSS) aiming at enhancing scientific collaborations and diminishing the carbon footprint of scientific research activities. STACS 2024 attendees are encouraged to combine their visit to Clermont-Ferrand by collaborations with local researchers.

This support scheme is primarily intended for participants travelling long distances and must be combined with an attendance to STACS. Upon acceptance, research institutes involved in this mechanism may (partially) cover standard expenses (accommodation, living expenses and traveling fees, plane excluded) and will provide material support for research activities.

A report about the STACS 2024 ESSS can be found here.

  • How to apply to the STACS 2024 Extended Stay Support Scheme?
  • Application to the STACS 2024 Extended Stay Support Scheme is made by two persons, a visitor and a (future) local collaborator and should be sent to the contact person in the hosting research institute. The application should include:
  • - The name of the visitor (the STACS attendant) mentioning her or his affiliation, city and country of origin.
  • - The name of the (future) local collaborator.
  • - The dates of the visits.
  • - Few lines describing the subject of the collaboration.

  • Specific constraints:
  • - For applying, the visitor should attend STACS 2024.
  • -The travel between the conference location and the location of the extened stay should be "low-carbon" (train, bus, carpooling... NO plane).
  • - Dates of the visit do not have to be directly adjacent to the conference dates, as long as the applicant avoids traveling by plane in between.
  • - If too many applications are received, further criteria of selection may have to be applied, such as favoring long distance participants or applying a « first come first served » policy.

The overall coordinator is Florent Foucaud (florent[DOT]foucaud[AT]uca[DOT]fr). Please contact him for general inquiries or if you wish to include your research group/lab in the list of hosts.

The research units participating to the scheme are:

  • In Clermont-Ferrand, host of STACS 2024:

    Potential research teams: MAAD (algorithms, graphs, optimization)
    Contact: florent[DOT]foucaud[AT]uca[DOT]fr

  • In Lyon (2.5h by bus or train from Clermont-Ferrand):

    Potential research teams: MC2 (combinatorics, algorithms, complexity)
    Contact: Nicolas Trotignon (nicolas[DOT]trotignon[AT]ens-lyon[DOT]fr)

    Potential research teams: GOAL (graphs, algorithms, games)
    Contact: Nicolas Bousquet (nicolas[DOT]bousquet[AT]univ-lyon1[DOT]fr)

  • In Paris and its surroundings (3.5h by train from Clermont-Ferrand):

    IRIF (Paris 13th)
    Potential research teams: algorithmics, verification, semantics, graph algorithms
    Contact: Thomas Colcombet (thomas[DOT]colcombet[AT]irif[DOT]fr)

    LACL (Créteil)
    Potential research teams: Logic, Computation and Programming, Systems Specification and Verification
    Contact: Florent Madelaine (florent[DOT]madelaine[AT]u-pec[DOT]fr) for the former, Catalin Dima (dima[AT]u-pec[DOT]fr) for the latter

    LAMSADE (Paris 16th)
    Potential research teams: Optimisation, structures and algorithms (optimization, algorithms, games)
    Contact: Cristina Bazgan (cristina[DOT]bazgan[AT]lamsade[DOT]dauphine[DOT]fr)

    LIGM (Marne-la-Vallée)
    Potential research teams: ADA (algorithms, bioinformatics, computational linguistic), BAAM (analysis of algorithms, automata, database theory)
    Contact: Gregory Kucherov (gregory[DOT]kucherov[AT]univ-eiffel[DOT]fr)

  • LIPN (Villetaneuse)
    Potential research teams: AOC (optimisation), CALIN (algorithms and combinatorics), LOVE (logic and verification)
    Contact: Florent Koechlin (florent[DOT]koechlin[AT]lipn[DOT]univ-paris13[DOT]fr)

    LIP6 (Paris 5th)
    Potential research teams: ALMASTY (cryptography and security), APR (programming languages), MoVe (verification), QI (quantum computing), RO (operations research)
    Contact: Please contact the head of the team you want to visit, with Fabrice Kordon in CC (fabrice[DOT]Kordon[AT]lip6[DOT]fr)

    LISN (Orsay)
    Potential research teams: GALAC (Graphs Algorithms and Combinatorics), ParSys (distributed algorithms)
    Contact: Nicolas[DOT]Thiery[AT]universite-paris[DOT]saclay[DOT]fr, hellouin[AT]lisn[DOT]fr, nathalie[DOT]aubrun[AT]lri[DOT]fr

    LMF (Orsay)
    Potential research teams: models (model checking, distributed systems, verification)
    Contact: Dietmar Berwanger (dwb[AT]lmf[DOT]cnrs[DOT]fr)

  • In Montpellier (4h by bus or 5h by train from Clermont):

    Potential research teams: ALGCO (algorithms and graphs), ESCAPE (computation models, combinatorics), ECO (Exact Computing), MAB (Bio-informatics)
    Contact: Christophe Paul (paul[AT]lirmm[DOT]fr)

  • In Orléans (4.5h by train from Clermont-Ferrand):

    Potential research teams: GAMOC (graph algorithms and computation models)
    Contact: Mathieu Liedloff (mathieu[DOT]liedloff[AT]univ-orleans[DOT]fr)

  • In Grenoble (4.5h by train from Clermont-Ferrand):

    Potential research teams: Combinatorial optimization
    Contact: Louis Esperet (louis[DOT]esperet[AT]grenoble-inp[DOT]fr)

  • LIG
    Potential research teams: DATAMOVE and POLARIS
    Contact: Kim Thang Nguyen (kim-thang[DOT]nguyen[AT]univ-grenoble-alpes[DOT]fr)

  • In Bordeaux (5h by bus from Clermont-Ferrand):

    Potential research teams: formal methods, combinatorics and algorithms
    Contact: Nathanaël Fijalkow (nathanael[DOT]fijalkow[AT]labri[DOT]fr)

  • In Marseille (5h by train from Clermont-Ferrand):

    Potential research teams: ACRO (Algorithmics, Combinatorics, and Operations Research), MOVE (Modelisation and Verification)
    Contact: Pascal Préa (pascal[DOT]prea[AT]lis-lab[DOT]fr) and Karoliina Lehtinen (karoliina[DOT]lehtinen[AT]lis-lab[DOT]fr), respectively

  • In Nancy (6h by train from Clermont-Ferrand):

    Potential research teams: Algorithms, Computation, Image & Geometry, Formal methods
    Contact: Horatiu Cirstea (Horatiu[DOT]Cirstea[AT]loria[DOT]fr)

  • In Nice/Sophia-Antipolis (8h by train from Clermont-Ferrand):

    Potential research teams: COATI (Combinatorics, Optimization, and Algorithms for Telecommunications, also with Inria), MDSC (Discrete Models for Complex Systems)
    Contact: Nicolas Nisse (nicolas[DOT]nisse[AT]inria[DOT]fr) and Christophe Crespelle (christophe[DOT]crespelle[AT]univ-cotedazur[DOT]fr), respectively